Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In our discussion of apocalypse moved from a focus on the society of humanity to a focus on the individual and their transformation.  
The graphic novels in Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series have been the catalyst for this change.  The development of human characteristics in the abstract concept of Dream has served to let us see the development of a character from an abstraction.  A completely anthropomorphized abstraction developed through the novel shows the achievement of identity by Dream.  Through this process I have begun to develop an understanding in how Dream achieves the various emotions that define an individual.
We are introduced to Dream when he is in the clutches of passion and by extension his sibling Passion.  We see him act selfishly, damning the woman who spurns his love.  His passion is his undoing in this scene and from here there seems to be a regression as he loses his more humanlike emotions.  
Then we move forward ten thousand years.  After his escape from imprisonment he seeks to rebuild his realm of the dream world.   Events conspire to pull him away from his labors and we see him once again display his potential. 
He seeks out the rogue dreams that left his realm, the way and why he destroys the first three dreams that left his realm has two sides.  One of which is the necessity for the action to be carried out.  The other is his wrath at finding the dreams manipulating humans for their sadistic pleasure or desire for power.  He does not just destroy these first three rogue dreams because of their transgressions.  Dream annihilates them because they caused suffering among others and he empathizes with the victims.   When Dream meets the fourth of the rogue dreams he does not show anger over the dream’s choice to leave the realm of the dreaming.  He shows forgiveness.  This seems to indicate that he understands Fiddler’s Green desire to venture among the realm of the living and experience the human condition.
As the story continues we learn of the obligation Dream has to destroy Rose Kinkade to protect all those among the dreaming.   He regrets the necessity, clearly showing his own feelings of guilt regarding the circumstances.  But with the intervention of Unity Kinkade he seems to bend the rules in order to spare Rose’s life.  
An aside within this collection of periodical comic books is an interaction between Dream’s close sister, Death, and a human who believes he can live forever by denying death.  Dream’s sister grants the mortal’s request seemingly for her brother’s sake.  And as the tale continues the human makes the observation that the reason why Dream is interested in his life is because Dream is lonely.  That human identifies the tragedy of the Endless in how they will outlive all others but their siblings and the loss they must feel at the passing of any mortal in whom they develop a connection with.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Neil Gaiman tears the concept of reality apart with his graphic novels focusing on the character of Dream.   Turning dreams into an entity is such a vast undertaking, and Gaiman did it by building on an existing character from DC comics.   Gaiman is supported in his storytelling by artists like Dave Mckean, a brilliant artist who I own several other comic books he contributed too.   Now I plunge into my discordant thoughts on the first collection of periodicals “The Doll’s House.”
Dreams are not empirically True, they are true within the entity that creates them alone.   As long as that consciousness defines their reality by their dreams that is what is real.  The abstraction of Dream is projected onto the character of the Sandman also known as Morpheus, Kai’Khul, the Dream Cat, and Onerion.   His appearance changes often according to who is dreaming, but Dream is given one form he commonly uses which looks a lot like David Bowie in the movie Labyrinth.   Eighties fashion aside the Character of Dream is mysterious, eternal but not unchanging, beyond the scope of the human mind, and according to Dream he was born when the world was born.  Not with the beginnings of humanity.  Dream is not alone, he has five siblings, one of which is the prodigal brother and his fate is unknown.  This mystery is almost a character in itself, is this other brother The Unknowable?  
Another brother is Destiny, the character is portrayed strangely with less influence than the characters of the Three Fates.  Destiny himself cannot change or interfere with fate he only takes an action after he reads that it is necessary for him to do so.  He is the holder of the book in which the potential futures are written.  This reminds me of the way the Book of Three is explained in “The Black Cauldron” series by Lloyd Alexander.  These books tell what may come to pass, not the future but the potential futures subjected to individual choice. 
Another sibling of Dream is Death, who manifests as a man or woman depending on the situation. 
 Death has a realm of its own much like Dream.  We don’t have a chance to look specifically into its domain although we see Hell, or a version of Hell as we are uncertain of the reality that is being created.   Death is not evil, I would say it is portrayed as more empathetic than Dream.  Death has an experience that Dream might not, has Death experienced death?   If so does that grant it an insight that leads it to tell Dream that he was wrong to send Nada who rejected his love to hell?   
Desire and Despair are the last two siblings and they are twins. 
 For despair cannot exist without a desire.   This leads to Desire being the more powerful of the two it seems.   Desire seeks to achieve or to change existence.   This is different from the way Dream creates and transforms.  Dream is more unpredictable, suitable for such an abstract changing concept.   

Dream is not limited to the realm of sleep.  He ventures into the corporeal world on occasion as do his creations.  The Fiddler’s Green is a dream created by Morpheus, it takes on a human form and comes to Earth as the man Gilbert.   Gilbert does this while Morpheus is trapped by human sorcery.   This furthers the idea that the abstractions Dream creates or not unchanging.  The abstractions Dream creates have choices unto them selves, Gilbert eventually chooses to return with Morpheus. 
A complicated piece to this story is the rejection of empiric Truth.  No one can be sure of what is real only what they choose to be real.   But even for this Dream is the ultimate arbitrator who enforces rules as he sees fit.  But this is an interesting point because it seems that Morpheus only intercedes when the stability of the dream world is threatened.  The dreamers and their dreams must be protected to ensure their continuation.  
The Doll’s House closes with the human family which drives one of the plots of the story achieving a sort of catharsis.  Dream’s timely intervention which results in the family becoming reunited does not show emotional depth.  We are left with the feeling that he has not reached his potential yet.  But being that he is one of the Endless we know that he has time to do so.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

From the working definition of “apocalypse” we have developed in class gives me a starting point for separating the “causes” and “symptoms” of apocalypse.   Within the novels Oryx and Crake and The Children of Men the cause of apocalypse is broad and encompasses all of humanity.
The cause of an apocalypse presages the symptoms, like a pathogen infecting the body.   In The Children of Men Theo relates how the degradation of society predated the Omega generation and the loss of fertility.  The loss of passion in “humanity” began the sequence that led to the apocalyptic events and is thus the cause of the apocalypse in The Children of Men
The loss of fertility in humanity was the greatest empiric symptom of the apocalypse.  Theo also talks about the riots, mass suicides like the quietus, and madness such as treating dolls like they are their biological children.  These are symptoms of the apocalypse in The Children of Men. 

In Oryx and Crake the biological plague that wipes out humanity differs from the loss of fertility in The Children of Men in that one is deliberately created by Man and the other is an anomaly.  This creates a tremendous difference in the way we can look at the cause and effect of the Crakian apocalypse. 
The apocalypse of Oryx and Crake is caused by the rampant indulgence of vices in society.   The corruption causes the reaction in Crake that leads him to destroy humanity.  Another contributing cause is the biological engineering that humanity indulged in.  It contributed to humanities self serving instincts and enabled Crake to so effectively destroy humanity.  
The symptoms of the Crakian apocalypse were violent and relatively brief compared to The Children of Men.   The Red Plague was not the only element in the extinction of humanity.  Crake was aware that humanity in its fear would tear itself to pieces.   The panic would be as effective as the Red Plague to drive humanity into extinction.  The symptoms provided the opening for a re-birth of humanity through the Children of Crake.

Monday, June 4, 2012

While reading Margaret Atwood’s novel Oryx and Crake I was fascinated by the dark satire the author present’s in an almost light hearted manner.  Essentially a story of the corruption of mankind and the results of Homo Sapiens degradation.  The story is told through the eyes of Snowman and his recollections of his earlier life when he was known as Jimmy. 
The memories of Snowman show us the levels to which human society had fallen.  Untamed indulgences in vices and what seems to be a loss or weakening of humanities ability to empathize are the source for humanities corruption and eventual destruction. 
In the recollections of Snowman we see virtually every vice humanity has been able to invent taken to its greatest potential. 
Humanities unfettered indulgence in its vices leads to alienation between individuals and classes.  In this futuristic society the rich live within their sequestered compounds out of sight of the pleebian classes. We learn of the different worlds of the pleebian and compound individuals through Jimmy’s interactions with Oryx.  She relates her abuse at the hands of the privileged without bitterness, even acceptance that the horrors she experienced have brought her to a better place.  But through her story we see strong parallels to our modern world in which the exact same story as she relates is genuinely played out in the poorest parts of the world. 
In the compounds we learn of the deliberate genocide by pharmaceutical companies to create a demand for new drugs.  The rich who are far removed from these tragedies seek to prolong their lives.  With spare body parts which are grown from animals called Pigoons and numerous treatments which are marketed as restoring youth.
The sharp divide between the life in the compounds and that of the pleebs is a symptom, not the cause of what will eventually lead to the decision by one individual to end the reign of humanity and begin a new post-human race.